"Direct your children onto the right path,
and when they are older, they will not leave it."
- Proverbs 22:6
Today, let's start out with some qualifications:
- I have been involved in youth ministry for a decade. I have been a Youth Pastor for a little over half that time. I know how to ask good questions, I know how to get conversations started, and I know how pray. When it comes to youth ministry that's all I know.
- You, as a youth parent, have been a parent for a minimum of 11 years. You've known your youth student for a minimum of 11 years. This means you have more experience with your youth student than I ever will. You know how they act all the time.
I have three young children and how they act in public is WAY nicer than how they act at home. I only know your youth student as well as I can from a Sunday morning or a Wednesday night. This is why I had to learn how to ask good questions and get conversations started. I have limited time with them so I need to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible. You have the advantage, and Proverbs 22:6 empowers you to parent, lead, direct, and discipline your student so they stay on the right path.
Disqualification is one of the hardest things for us to deal with. I know for me, I look at my life with a wife, three kids, a dog, and a house and I will sometimes think, "I'm not qualified for this! I still feel like a dumb 20 year old." (for the record I'm in my mid 30's). No matter how I feel, I still need to be the best husband I can be (even though I don't know how), be the best dad I can be (good luck), clean up dog poop, and pay my bills responsibly. The dog poop is the only thing I feel qualified to do!
"It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God."
- 2 Corinthians 3:5
For those of us who wrestle with feeling qualified, here is our answer. God does it. God gives us the wisdom, power, authority, you name it. It all comes from God. This means we need to shift the way we minister to our family. It's so easy to disqualify ourselves as parents whether it's because we don't understand the obsession with the phones or video games, or because we don't think we are "cool" enough to relate to our kids. These arguments come because we are looking at ourselves to lead rather than seeking God for wisdom on how to lead. If God qualifies us, then that's exactly where we need to look for our answers. I believe God wants to empower you with the right questions to ask your student. God wants to give you clever ways to get conversations started with them. God wants to show you how to lead your student so effectively that when they are older they won't depart from the way they should go.
The first verse we read today is in Proverbs. If you feel like you're lacking wisdom, this is a great place to start. Because the Bible is a living document that brings life to new words every time we read it, God will be faithful to highlight scripture to you to help you in leading and guiding your student.
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."
- 2 Timothy 3:16
Moreover, God is so ready to give you wisdom for any situation you're facing off with.
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."
- James 1:5
You were made for this. Even in the times you feel the least capable of parenting, God made you for this. Moreover, he equipped you with the tools you need to succeed at whatever you put your hand to.
- Prayer -
Dear Jesus, I need your help with these kids! God, you're the father. Show me how to be the best parent. Even though I feel like I'm lacking or disqualified, give me the strength and wisdom to lead my kid well. Show me how to direct them on the path that they should go. I pray that you keep them. Keep your hand on them as they grow. I pray they walk in the wy that you direct their steps. Thank you for your wisdom and thank you for qualifying me! Thank you that I am made for this because of you.
and when they are older, they will not leave it."
- Proverbs 22:6
Today, let's start out with some qualifications:
- I have been involved in youth ministry for a decade. I have been a Youth Pastor for a little over half that time. I know how to ask good questions, I know how to get conversations started, and I know how pray. When it comes to youth ministry that's all I know.
- You, as a youth parent, have been a parent for a minimum of 11 years. You've known your youth student for a minimum of 11 years. This means you have more experience with your youth student than I ever will. You know how they act all the time.
I have three young children and how they act in public is WAY nicer than how they act at home. I only know your youth student as well as I can from a Sunday morning or a Wednesday night. This is why I had to learn how to ask good questions and get conversations started. I have limited time with them so I need to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible. You have the advantage, and Proverbs 22:6 empowers you to parent, lead, direct, and discipline your student so they stay on the right path.
Disqualification is one of the hardest things for us to deal with. I know for me, I look at my life with a wife, three kids, a dog, and a house and I will sometimes think, "I'm not qualified for this! I still feel like a dumb 20 year old." (for the record I'm in my mid 30's). No matter how I feel, I still need to be the best husband I can be (even though I don't know how), be the best dad I can be (good luck), clean up dog poop, and pay my bills responsibly. The dog poop is the only thing I feel qualified to do!
"It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God."
- 2 Corinthians 3:5
For those of us who wrestle with feeling qualified, here is our answer. God does it. God gives us the wisdom, power, authority, you name it. It all comes from God. This means we need to shift the way we minister to our family. It's so easy to disqualify ourselves as parents whether it's because we don't understand the obsession with the phones or video games, or because we don't think we are "cool" enough to relate to our kids. These arguments come because we are looking at ourselves to lead rather than seeking God for wisdom on how to lead. If God qualifies us, then that's exactly where we need to look for our answers. I believe God wants to empower you with the right questions to ask your student. God wants to give you clever ways to get conversations started with them. God wants to show you how to lead your student so effectively that when they are older they won't depart from the way they should go.
The first verse we read today is in Proverbs. If you feel like you're lacking wisdom, this is a great place to start. Because the Bible is a living document that brings life to new words every time we read it, God will be faithful to highlight scripture to you to help you in leading and guiding your student.
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."
- 2 Timothy 3:16
Moreover, God is so ready to give you wisdom for any situation you're facing off with.
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."
- James 1:5
You were made for this. Even in the times you feel the least capable of parenting, God made you for this. Moreover, he equipped you with the tools you need to succeed at whatever you put your hand to.
- Prayer -
Dear Jesus, I need your help with these kids! God, you're the father. Show me how to be the best parent. Even though I feel like I'm lacking or disqualified, give me the strength and wisdom to lead my kid well. Show me how to direct them on the path that they should go. I pray that you keep them. Keep your hand on them as they grow. I pray they walk in the wy that you direct their steps. Thank you for your wisdom and thank you for qualifying me! Thank you that I am made for this because of you.
Posted in Youth Parents