"and the inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, 'Let us go at once to entreat the LORD and seek the LORD Almighty. I myself am going."
 - Zechariah 8:21

We just came back from youth camp and it was incredible. If you are a parent who sent your student to camp, I want to thank you for your investment into your student and your family. If you weren't able to send your student this year, I would highly recommend making it a priority next year.
At youth camp, this year, we had a majority of students get baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues for the first time. We had several first time salvations. Two of them are notable because they are grandchildren of one of our youth leaders who has been praying for them since they stepped into youth two years ago. to seal the deal, they got baptized the night we got back from camp. Another student operated in his spiritual gift of healing for the first time and was able to pray over his friend at camp and see their ankle healed. Another student who struggles with fitting in and wrestles deep insecurities was set free at camp and shared a testimony from camp in front of everyone last Sunday.
At Winter Encounter for our high schoolers, we had students set free from depression. Others heard clearly from God for the first time. Others got a clear vision from God about what they are called to do. Several students started flowing in the prophetic and started prophesying over each other. The time in worship was so deep and intimate that students were being convicted and started to repent of the what they were doing back home so they could focus on God. Our youth camps are powerful.
There is so much purpose in going away to seek God. Jesus would do this often. He would leave the crowds and even his disciples to pray and seek God. That is the experience we are looking to create at Youth Camp. As parents you get the privilege to continue this experience with God at home. Encourage them to keep taking time away to seek God. Bring them to YouthX at the end of every month. The goal of these is to make the Youth Camp experience happen closer to home. I would encourage you to take a step deeper and debrief with your student about youth camp. Make it an intentional time with them. Don't just ask "How was youth camp". Here's how you can get started:

1. What was your favorite moment at youth camp?
2. What was a moment that made you laugh?
3. What did your friends think of youth camp?
4. Who preached your favorite message?
5. Why?
6. What did they talk about?
7. How are you applying this now that you're back from camp?
8. Was there any specific encounter you had with God while you were there?
9. Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I recommend these questions roughly in this order because they aren't "no brainer" questions that they can simply dismiss by saying "good" and "I dunno". Sit and wait for them to answer, and don't be afraid of awkward silences. As their brain starts going the questions get deeper and you get better answers. As you're having this conversation be prayerful and let God lead you. There will be follow up steps for you as a parent on how to lead them for the rest of the year. Do everything you can to stoke the fire and show them how you stoke your own fire. You got this! You were made for this!
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