Watch this brief recap video of Giving Hope 2023 to find out more about the impact you make when you choose to nominate, sponsor a child, and sign up to serve.


Help us love on families during the Giving Hope Shopping Experience on Saturday, December 14. We will host the parents while they shop and provide a fun place for the kids. Sign up to serve (18+) using the link below. Childcare is provided for 0-5th grade. You may sign up for your preferred time and serving role.


Nominate your own family or a family at CFAN who could use a little extra help in providing Christmas gifts for the kids this year. All nominations must be received by Sunday, December 1st.
How to Nominate: Call the Giving Hope number (719) 289-3402 starting Monday, Nov 18 - Friday, Nov 22 or until registration is full. You may also visit tables in lobby at either campus.


GO SHOPPING: Pick up a packet at the Giving Hope table. Then go shopping, and pick out some fantastic gifts for these precious kids. Please drop off gifts at your campus by Sunday, December 8.


Don’t want to leave the house? Shop our Amazon wish lists, and have your gifts delivered directly to the church by December 8. Below are links to the Amazon Wish Lists categorized by gender.


  • Choose your campus
  • Choose "Giving Hope" in the keyword prompt

Text Giving: To securely make a gift, text to your Campus Code (NEgive, SWgive, ONgive) + Amount + Keyword "Giving Hope" Ex. NEgive 100 giving hope NE Campus: (833) 892-2248 SW Campus: (833) 891-6271 Online Campus: (833) 892-2248

Envelope: Write “Giving Hope” on your gift, and drop it in the offering at your campus.